Vester was a music instrument manufacturer specializing in guitars and guitar amplifiers; part of the Samuel Music Company, based in Effingham, Illinois USA.
Rather than manufacture the instruments themselves, Vester used imported instruments, which were made by Saehan Guitar Technology, a subdivision of Zaozhuang Saehan Music Co. Ltd. in South Korea, now known as Sunghan Music.
Following the Vester Corporation´s initial success in the marketplace, was the company´s sudden and unexpected demise. In a move similar to the Gibson lawsuit versus Ibanez, the Fender Corporation began prepairing a legal action against Samuel Music Comp. in 1994, for allegedly basing the Vester brand on a "sound-alike" for "Fender"; even going so far as to cite the typefont used in the logo was identical to Fender´s trademarked font.
Samuel Music, lacking the funds for a prolonged legal battle, settled the matter out of court and sold out all remaining stock.
Your bass is a Vester Maniac series and was made in 1993.
Two octave neck made from laminated Maple and Walnu.
The fingerboard is a very thick slab of Rosewood.
The body is made from Ash.
There is a master volume, a pan pot and controls for Bass and Treble.
The pick ups are Vester humbuckers.
Last but not least:
This bass has a relatively small body and though heavy is extremely comfortable to play.